Sunday, November 22, 2020

User registration disabled and current accounts temporarily suspended

Due to a large number of real money trades and some other abnormal activities we have decided to temporarily disable the user registration. Existing accounts have also been temporarily suspended.

We are going to investigate all the accounts. Accounts where abnormal activity is found will be permanently banned. Clean accounts will be re-enabled again.

In order to speed up the account investigation process please perform the following steps:

If you made a purchase from the game market before, please contact billing support using the same email address you've used when placing an order. Otherwise, contact the game support using other methods (support email, Discord).
Please include a list with all your current accounts. Include the ID of all accounts and include the main character(s') name(s).
Use the following template:

IDCharacter Name

Make sure the information submitted is correct and accurate. If you submit inaccurate information you risk being banned.

Customer support will investigate the accounts. Note that for some accounts the investigation can take a long time (days, weeks or even months). If this is the case then you will receive a reply stating so.

If you had any Luck Hourglass or Premium Card active before the maintenance, the time will be compensated once your account has been enabled again.


  1. When will accounts be enabled again? I’ve reached out with all the information requested through both email and the discord by message and posting. Thanks

  2. Hello, when can I expect finish investigate?

  3. Coming up any time soon?

  4. any chance for more resolution options any time soon ?

  5. hello, my account is expired. I did not anything illegal.
    so plz restore my account.
    my account is abchs

  6. 아무런 소식도 없네

  7. i created a new account but cant log in, any advice?


    2. I just remember my login in account and password (forgot which email registration too), how could i have the account released.

  8. i just remember my login in account and password (not even the registration email account), how can my account be released?

    1. Good day sir/madam,

      In this case you can just send a request using any e-mail address.
      Do note that you will need to be able to login to confirm account ownership.

  9. My account has been suspended for about 6 months.
    I don't even have any news and I'm worried that I won't be able to access my account forever. The investigation should have been completed within a month or two.


Patch 1.70

Download patch Patches and bugfixes: - Changed Meteor Strike behaviour: The skill will no longer deal damage to members of the same race if ...